Friday 17 October 2014

5 Reasons Why You Should Pick Your Own Apples

Where do you go to get the best apples? Your local fruit store? Or the nearest supermarket? These places may claim to stock the freshest fruit, but if you really want to have some fresh and tasty apples, you have to go straight to the source i.e. the apple orchard. You also stand to gain a lot whenever you decide to pick your own apples.

1. Fruit is Fresh:

Fresh apples that come directly from the farm are very juicy, crunchy and delicious. They are a sharp contrast to the ones available at your local grocery store, which turn soft and get dark patches. What’s more, farm fresh fruits, especially apples, come packed with nutrients and essential vitamins which helps to develop the immune system and even reduces cholesterol in the body.

2. Exciting Outdoor Family Activity:

Looking for an exciting outdoor activity to enjoy along with your family? Why not plan a visit to your local grower in Northwest Indiana and spend a day picking your own apples? Your family could definitely use the fresh air and they will also get some good exercise in the process. Beats sitting at home and watching television all day!

3. Boosts Local Economy:

Whenever you buy apples and other fruits from local farmers, you help them earn their livelihood, as farming is their main occupation. This enables them to buy more seeds, fertilizers and other farming materials, needed to grow and produce a rich harvest of crop. In other words, they will get the benefit of your business and you will get fresh produce to enjoy every year. You will even get that good feeling of supporting your local community growers instead of opting for discount offers at a supermarket.

4. Good Learning Experience:

Want to teach your kids something new? Why not show them how to pick out good fruit? Once you show them how to distinguish the good fruit from the not-so-good, they can help you gather the best ones in the orchard. You can also speak to the friendly growers who will be more than willing to talk to you about the entire farming process. It never hurts to learn something new about nature and the environment.

5. Improves Interaction with the Community:

You may not be only one who craves healthy and organic produce. There will be tons of other people in your community who prefer picking their own apples fresh from the orchard. So wouldn’t this be a great place to meet and get to know a few people from your community? If you and your family have recently moved into the neighborhood, pick-your-own-fruit farms would be a great place to interact with people from the community. Thus, it serves as an opportunity for you to make some new friends.

These are some of the advantages you get when you choose to pick fresh farm grown apples. Plus, there are ample amount of apple picking events going on in your Merrillville, Indiana community, which you can check out with your family over the weekend.
Visit for more information.