Monday 6 October 2014

5 Popular Stress Relieving Activities

Wouldn’t it be amazing to live a world without stress? However, in this fast-paced life of ours, it is difficult to avoid getting stressed out at some point or the other. If you are currently going through a stressful phase of your life, take a couple of minutes for yourself and try out these few exercises and activities to help you get back on your feet.
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  1. Deep Breathing:
  2.      The best thing you can when faced with stressful situation is to just breathe. Empty your mind and simply breathe. You might even find the answer to your problem once you clear your head. Just fill lungs with rich oxygen, hold for a count of three and breathe out. Doing this for even five minutes will help you feel better.

  3. Meditation:
  4.       Life can really get hectic at times. You may be working eight hours a day, five or even six days a week. On top of this you might have some family responsibilities to shoulder at home. With this lifestyle you might get stressed out easily. Therefore, it is important that you set aside a little time of for yourself and just be still and calm. Sit in a position which you find most comfortable and close your eyes. Forget about everything else and just be with yourself. You can even imagine yourself sitting by the beach.

  5. Yoga/Pilates:
  6.       Yoga, the ancient Indian technique of relaxing and strengthening body and mind is the best exercise for combating stress. The postures and breathing exercises used in yoga help to relax muscles thereby easing tension. It also promotes good blood circulation in the body. Pilates is another exercise form which works well against stress. The combination of systematic breathing and simple body movements makes all the core muscles of the body stronger. It also strengthens nerves and improves body posture.

  7. Walking:
  8.       Evening walks in the park usually help you take your mind of the things that stress you out. If you work at a job where you are sitting indoors the entire day, going out even for a short fifteen minute walk will be very refreshing. Brisk walking is a mild workout which does not take up a lot of time and energy. So next time you travel home from work, visit your nearest park for a quiet evening stroll.

  9. Swimming/Exercise:
  10.       Swimming is an activity where you get to exercise and have fun at the same time. So it’s obviously a great stress reliever as well. Going for dip in the pool refreshes all your senses. Swimming helps to burn excess fat in the body keeping you fit and in shape. It’s also a great way to free yourself from your daily routine and just have some fun.

  11.  .       Laugh! 
  12.       An oldie but a goodie, laughter is indeed the best medicine. Getting involved with family and friends, sharing good times within your local community are a great way to bond over what is important.
           #Merrillville has a wonderful resource for finding out what’s going on right in our town! Visit  to see what fun thing you can do this weekend!